Flint and Walling Booster Pumps

Flint and Walling Booster Pumps

Flint and Walling Booster Pumps is produced in the USA and goes through many field testing before being sent out of the factory. Due to the great degree of detail put into these pumps, they have become the preferred choice for many applications, including car wash operators that require stable, and reliable pumping technology. 

Pure Aqua is proud to supply a comprehensive supply of Flint & Walling pump models for several applications (listed down below) that are provided at fantastic prices for business owners. Look through our selection to find the most suitable choice for your specific needs. 

Flint and Walling Booster Pumps


  • Max. Flow: 35 GPM
  • SS, Cast Iron
  • All-In-One Unit
  • Compact Design & Low Noise
  • ODP or TEFC Motors
  • Max. Pressure: 200 PSI
  • Automatic Built-In Diagnostics
  • 1 in. Stainless Steel Flanges
Flint and Walling Pressure Booster Pumps


  • Max. Flow:27 GPM
  • Corrosion Resistant Internals
  • Replacement Cartridge Assembly
  • No Special Tools Required
  • 1/2 and 1 HP , 115V
  • Max. Pressure: 112 PSI
  • Powder Coated Cast Iron
  • Includes All Necessary Parts

Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of Flint and Walling Boost Pumps to a wide variety of applications. These pumps are highly efficient in increasing the water pressure from city mains and water treatment systems, including in accomplishing many other tasks that can be viewed down below. 

Pumps designed to increase water pressure from city mains or private water systems.

The Pressure Booster Pump is designed to increase water pressure from city mains or private water systems. Applications include pressure cleaning, spray or mist systems, jockey pumps, booster service, reverse osmosis, water circulation and general purpose pumping.

Flint and walling booster pumps are available within our selections to improve the efficiency in underground water pumping in industrial and commercial applications. Our booster pumps are designed to accelerate the water pressure from municipal and reverse osmosis & water treatment systems, including cleaning and cooling down materials, spraying insecticides, etc.

These booster pumps can pressure-wash buildings, and pump water from reservoirs and other water sources such as ponds to guarantee efficient operation of treatment equipment. All Flint and Walling boosting pumps consist of dual-voltage motors with protected ball bearings and are applicable for reverse osmosis, water circulation, pressure boosting, pressure cleaning, steam systems, evaporative cooling, etc.

Concise design and soundless operation allow these booster pumps to be suitable for many applications. Stainless steel bearings and shaft sleeves, including an automated built-in diagnostic tool which protects the pumps against occurrences such as:

  • Dead Head
  • Run Dry
  • Rapid Cycling
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