
Reverse Osmosis & Water Treatment in Barbados


Barbados is an independent island nation. It is the most easterly of the Eastern Caribbean islands. It has a land area of 430 kilometers2 with the highest point rising to 323 meters near the center of the island. About five-sixths of the island are coraline in nature, with the remaining one-sixth of shales, sands and clays known as the Scotland District. The Scotland District though quite rugged is known for its land slips and erosion problems. The coraline area is characterized by a number of terraces rising towards the interior of the island, and deep gullies from the higher elevations (bordering the Scotland District) radiating to the coast. Cultivable land is estimated at 22,472 hectares (ha), of which the cultivated area in 1997 was 17,000 ha, 16,000 for annual and 1,000 ha for permanent crops. The major crops grown are sugar cane, cotton, root crops and vegetables. For administrative purposes, the country is divided into 15 provinces or parishes. 

The population census of 1990 recorded 260,491 residents, mainly concentrated in the urban corridor along the west coast, south coast and Bridgetown, the capital (located in the southwest). Population growth rate averaged about 0.27% from 1990 to 1997. There are well established and accessible health and education institutions, potable water to the entire population, well developed local and international transport links and telecommunications infrastructure. The main foreign currency earners are tourism and agriculture. Agriculture (non-sugar, sugar and fisheries) contributed 6.3% and 4.9% to gross domestic product (GDP) in 1996 and 1997 respectively, and employed 5.1% of the labor force in 1997. 

Water resources
Annual internal renewable water resources (IRWR) were estimated in a 1997 Water Resources Study to total about 82 million m3. Groundwater derived from infiltrated rainfall accounts for 73.9 million m3; surface water amounts to 5.8 million m3; springs 2.0 million m3 and direct runoff to the sea 0.5 million m3. 

The World Bank reports that at least 80 countries have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. More disturbingly, the World Health Organization has reported that 1 billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs, unfortunately in many countries water is scarce or contaminated.

Pure Aqua provides wide range of filtration and economical solutions based on the Barbados water resources.

Barbados’ main water resources are:

Pure Aqua manufactures water treatment systems that meet the World Health Organization requirements.

Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of B2B water treatment solutions for a variety of applications and industries, we offer a large selection of all types of reverse osmosis and water treatment systems to meet your industrial needs. Pure Aqua’s extensive global experience in engineering and manufacturing allows us to pre-engineer and customize water treatment and reverse osmosis systems to meet a wide range of customer requirements and specifications.

Completed Water Purification Projects for Barbados: