Application: Metal Finishing
This is model TW-24K-8240 from our RO-300 Series.
- RO 300 Series
- Pre Chemical Injections
- Media Filtration
- Post Chemical Injections
- 5,000 PPM TDS
- Produce 24,000 GPD
Water Challenges: High quality water is important to metal finishing since many industries utilize it for their manufacturing processes. Water consisting of high concentrations of contaminants such as salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), bacteria, and etc. can cause corrosion within the metals and reduce reduce the performance of the equipment/systems that are built from these metals. Operational costs will see an increase due to the greater amount of maintenance and machinery replacements required as a result of poor quality metal finishing. For this reason, water treatment systems are incorporated within metal finishing plants in order to produce fresh and potable water that will maximize the productivity of the machinery.
Applied Solution: Pure Aqua, Inc. manufactured a water treatment system for a major company in Ghana. The system included pre chemical injections, filtration, a RO unit, and post chemical injection. The RO unit was picked from our RO-300 series and was designed to treat well water with up to 5,000 ppm TDS. This system produces 24,000 GPD of high quality water for our customers in Ghana.
Low operating cost, compact size, reduced footprint, and high quality production of freshwater.
High quality water...
It came complete with all needed pre-treatment so it was just quick-install and produced good quality low TDS water after start-up.