A negatively charged ion that results from the dissociation of salts, acids or alkali's in solution. Anions are formed when the common parent brings in one or more electrons into its sphere for the purposes of finalizing its octet and attaining constancy. As a result, anions carry a greater number of electrons than protons which provides it with a net negative charge. Anions are generally composed through the workings of metal atoms. Specifically when the non-metal atoms (carbon, oxygen, sulfur, and halogens) obtain the electrons without the loss of any protons. Once an anion is created, it will usually combine with cations to produce salts which are vital to the human body. Important human body processes such as DNA creation and hormone production are linked to these ions.

Anions are marked by superscripts and are pushed further towards the anode (creates the positive charge) in the process of electrolysis. Anions produce ionic compounds through interacting via electrostatic with cations. A person can tell by looking at the periodic table of whether an atom will create an anion through its position.

An anion is considered a negatively charged ion arising from disconnection in a solution of salts, acids, or alkali. Read more.