Decomposition of complex organic materials by microorganisms through oxidation. Biological oxidation has been understood by scientists to perform on the basis of biochemistry and all of its nuances. This process comprises oxidation-reduction transformations of matters within biological organisms. These reactions work through dealing with changes in the oxidation condition of atoms in regards to the reallocation of electrons among them. Biological Ox­i­da­tion of living matters is developed throughout the following ways:

  • First the substrate discharges hydrogen before the oxidation process
  • Oxygen becomes linked to the substrate after it releases an electron

The biological oxidation process occurs once it is conjoined with the reduction reactions which is a coagulation of electrons or hydrogens that takes place consecutively. In simpler terms, oxidation is the equivalent of any chemical reaction that is followed after the releasement of electrons higher oxidation states. Following the oxidation of a substances, electrons are able to align themselves with other substances for the reduction process.