The Reverse Osmosis (RO) process uses a high pressure pump to force water through a special membrane which provides pure water and leaves the dissolved impurities to be flushed to waste. The BWRO Machine was completed with pre and post treatment: multi-media filter, antiscalant chemical dosing, and post chlorination dosing system. The machine was selected from our RO-400 Series, model number BW-43K-1680-3.It produces 30gpm of drinking water with TDS less than 100 mg/L.
Country: Tunisia
System/Product: Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis
Flow Rate: 43,000 GPD
Date: May 2005
Pure Aqua supplied an Industrial RO Machine for brackish water treatment for major water treatment company in Tunisia. The capacity of this Brackish Water RO Machine is 43,000gpd product water at 4,500ppm feed TDS.
Brackish water is water that is taken from estuaries and river openings. It salt concentration falls in between fresh water and seawater. Not as pure as fresh water, yet not as salty as seawater. Its mild salty concentration is discouraged for human consumption. To generate purified water from brackish water, a water filtration system relies on a method called "reverse osmosis" for assistance.
- Minimal civil work and construction
- Small footprint
- Plug and play installation
- High-quality components (Grundfos pumps, DOW Filmtec membranes, Codeline vessels, Pure Aqua microprocessor control panel)
- High recovery design
- High rejection membranes
- Low energy and chemical consumption
Works well.
The system is a space saver and the frame is sturdy. Works well.