Application: Offshore Energy Industry drinking water needed for offshore application, with seawater the only source available
This model is #SW-12K-1380 from SWI Series
Water Challenges: The challenges of this project stems from the limited amounts of clean water supply to an offshore energy industry in Singapore. Since much of the fresh drinking water in Singapore is produced from the sea, leaves the country depended on water treatment processes such as seawater reverse osmosis systems to reduce TDS and remove harmful contaminants before being available to industries and the population.
Applied Solution: Pure Aqua manufactures high quality seawater reverse osmosis systems which are designed to eliminate saline from ocean water. Our seawater RO units will assist in providing greater quantities of salt-free pure water that can be used by the energy industry, or other industrial plants, including consumption. This process is done through the utilization of high-pressure pumps on the salty feed water, forcing it through semi-permeable membranes that disallow salts and other contaminants from flowing through with the treated water. This system was skid mounted and included all pre and post treatment components.
Low operating cost, compact size, reduced footprint, and high quality production of freshwater.
High quality
Very good quality RO that exceeded expectations.