Grundfos Pumps

Grundfos Water Pumps

Grundfos commercial water pumps provide unmatched quality in efficiency and reliability among all other water pumps available. From surface water to submersible clean water pumps, Grundfos has the line of pump products that provides the right solution to your needs. Grundfos water pumps are designed to save a huge portion of electricity costs which surmount to more than 80% of the total cost of using a pressure water pump. These benefits contribute to the great reputation that Grundfos pumps maintain around the world among water pump professionals.

Grundfos CHI Commercial Pumps


  • Max. Flow: 70 GPM
  • Liquid Temp:+5°F to +230°F
  • Compact Design
  • Good for Aggressive Liquids
  • Head: max. 265 FT.
  • Max. Pressure: 145 PSI
  • Wide Range
  • Low Noise
Grundfos CR, CRN, High Pressure Pumps


  • Max. Flow: 685 GPM
  • Liquid Temp:-40°F to +250°F
  • Small Footprint
  • Easy Installation and Operation
  • Stainless Steel or Cast Iron
  • Max. Pressure: 435 PSI
  • User Friendly Controller Interface
  • Integrated Sensor Available
Grundfos CM, CME Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pumps


  • Max. Flow: 160 GPM
  • Liquid Temp:-22°F to +248°F
  • Compact Design
  • Customized Solutions
  • Max. Head: 393 FT.
  • Max. Pressure: 232 PSI
  • Service-Friendly
  • Energy saving (CME)

Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of Grundfos Water Pumps which are manufactured to deliver cutting-edge solutions to the important issues in the water treatment industry. 

Even with a good water source, water treatment should be considered to ensure a good water quality. Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired end-use and to ensure that stringent quality standards to the consumer are maintained. Grundfos can supply pumping solutions for solids separation using mechanical treatments such as settling and filtration, dosing solutions for chemical treatments such as disinfection and coagulation.

Grundfos solutions are designed specifically for pumping installations and all the components are fully integrated from the outset. Life Cycle Cost analyses have shown how this seemingly complex and costly process results in tangible benefits for owners. Grundfos commissioning agreements ensure correct installation and service agreements cover all eventualities, from routine maintenance to spare parts and pump audits.

Pure Aqua provides our clients with an unmatched team of passionate dosing pump professionals to assist in the selection and sizing of pumps for any commercial, industrial, or municipal application throughout all markets. We offer services in the installation, repairs, and service of Grundfos products all across the world.

Our category of Grundfos water pumps are produced from highly regarded engineers from the company itself. More than 15 million Grundfos water pumps are manufactured each year from a workforce of about 15,000 people, which makes the company one of the largest within the water treatment industry.

We deliver Grundfos water pumps across a number of industries (see below), locations, and projects. Whether it is for industrial or commercial applications needs, these pumps are ensure to provide you the solution to your problem. Our Grundfos pumps consist of types such as sewage pumps, booster pumps, circulating pumps, end suction pumps, etc. 

Grundfos water pumps are manufactured through a meticulous process, and designed to come up with resourceful solutions to the prevalent issues in the water purification industry.

High-Grade Installation

In regards to any water pump, the importance of quality installation is just as essential as the pump being installed. Our certified water pump professionals are capable of providing you with information on how to go about installing, operating, and repairing your Grundfos water pumps at your own convenience.

You can rest assured that any request you might have for our team at Pure Aqua will be handled with first-rate customer service, and without any complication.

Tackling Environmental Concerns

Grundfos has went further than providing just hi-tech manufacturing and technological advancement. Environmental concerns have been at the forefront of the company’s agenda recently, with continuous assessment of the environmental impact made from every Grundfos water pump produced and sold.

These evaluations have ensured that Grundfos meets environmental standards, including supplying one of the few water pump lines that are capable of being recycled or reused.

Grundfos pumps are designed to prevent the occurrence of corrosion, and maintain energy efficiency and maximum performance. Check out our selection of Grundfos water pumps to find the right kind that fits your specific needs.

The primary applications of Grundfos water pumps include: 

  • Power & energy
  • Water & Wastewater 
  • Boiler water treatment
  • Cooling towers
  • Environmental water treatment
  • Spot free car wash
  • Refinery
  • Municipal
  • Brackish water supply
  • Industrial & commercial applications
  • Renewable energy systems
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