Pretreat Plus® – 0100 is a comprehensively designed antiscalant that manages iron, salts (that are soluble), silica, and calcium carbonate that produce scale without it. It is a highly effective protector for membranes from fouling even when exposed to water with massive amounts of pollutants. The features of the Pretreat Plus® – 0100 prevents it from reacting towards other treatment chemicals that include coagulants.
This pretreatment tool is responsible for significantly decresing operational expenses through the removal of usual requirements such as acid injections, as well as increasing the period between membrane cleanings. For these reasons, the overall cost of the systems utilized is reduced, whether they be reverse osmosis or nanofiltration, specifically due to the extensive membrane lifespan. Increase the productvity of your plant by getting your own Pretreat Plus® – 0100 and find out why it is increasingly replacing older water treatment products in the modern day.
Pretreat Plus® – 0100
Advantages to using Pretreat Plus® – 0100
- Remove the need of acid injectors
- Prolong the need for membrane cleaning
- Greatly extend the lifespan of the membrane
- Reduce operational and capital expenses
- Works effectively with RO, UF, and NF membrane systems
- Non-reactable with other treatment chemicals
- Manages scale forming minerals
- Feedwaters with top levels of metallic nanoparticles, silica, and minerals that form scales.
Thank you
Great pretreatment