HANNA Multiparameter is a durable, waterproof meter that consists of ease of use, a strong logging capacity, and at least 12 important water quality variables. This instrument is delivered in a comprehensive system which allows it to begin assessing measurements immediately. THe electrode analysis system notifies the user to possible calibration issues in order to attain results in a timely manner. The features incorporated ensure that the Hanna Multiparameter is effective for all industries, including providing environmental safety.
- SKU: HI2020-01
- pH Range pH: -2.000 to 16.000, -2.00 to 16.00; ±1000 mV
- pH Resolution: 0.001 pH, 0.01 pH; 0.1 mV
- pH Accuracy: (@25°C/77°F) ±0.01 pH, ±0.002 pH; ±0.2 mV
- pH Calibration: Automatic, up to 3 points (5 points*) calibration, 5 standard (7 standard*) buffers available (1.68*, 4.01 or 3.00, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45*) and 2 custom buffers*
- pH Temperature Compensation Automatic: -5 to 100° C (23 to 212° F) (using integral temperature sensor)
- EC Range: 0.00 to 29.99 µS/cm, 3.00 to 29.99 µS/cm, 30.0 to 299.9 µS/cm, 300 to 2999 µS/cm, 3.00 to 29.99 mS/cm, 30.0 to 200.0 mS/cm, up to 500.0 mS/cm
- EC Resolution: 0.01 µS/cm, 00.1 µS/cm, 0.01 µS/cm, 0.01 mS/cm, 00.1 mS/cm
- EC Accuracy: ±1% of reading (±0.05 µS/cm or 1 digit, whichever is greater)
- EC Calibration: 1 Cell Factor calibration; 6 standards available: 84, 1413 µS/cm, 5.00, 12.88, 80.0, 111.8 mS/cm, 1 point offset: 0.00 µS/cm
- TDS Range: 0.00 to 14.99 ppm (mg/L), 15.0 to 149.9 ppm (mg/L), 150. to 1499. ppm (mg/L), 1.50 to 14.99 g/L, 15.0 to 100.0 g/L, up to 400.0 g/L absolute TDS ‡ (with 0.80 factor) TDS Resolution: 0.01 ppm, 0.1 ppm, 1
- ppm, 0.01 g/L, 0.1 g/L
- TDS Accuracy: ±1% of reading (±0.03 ppm or 1 digit, whichever is greater)
- TDS Calibration: through EC calibration
- EC/TDS Temperature Compensation Automatic: -5 to 100 ºC (23 to 212 ºF) NoTC - can be selected to measure absolute conductivity.
- Temperature Correction Coefficient: 0.00 to 6.00% / ºC (for EC and TDS only). Default value is 1.90% / ºC
- EC to TDS Conversion Factor: 0.40 to 0.80 (default value is 0.50)
- Salinity Range: 0.0 to 400.0% NaCl, 0.01 to 42.00 PSU, 0.0 to 80.0 g/L*
- Salinity Resolution: 0.1% NaCl, 0.01 PSU, 0.01 g/L
- Salinity Accuracy: ±1% of reading
- Salinity Calibration: 1 point with HI 7037L 100% NaCl sea water standard (other scales through EC calibration)
- Salinity Temperature Compensation: 0 to 40 g/L (with 1 g/L resolution)
- Sodium Chloride Range: 0.0 to 400.0% NaCl
- Sodium Chloride Resolution: 0.1% NaCl
- Sodium Chloride Accuracy: ±1% of reading
- Sodium Chloride Calibration: 1 point with HI 7037L 100% NaCl sea water standard (other scales through EC calibration)
- DO Range: 0.00 to 45.00 ppm (mg/L) 0.0 to 300.0% 0.0 to 50.0 °C (32.0 to 122.0 °F)**
- DO Accuracy: (@25°C/77°F) ±1.5% of reading or ±1 digit
- DO Resolution: 0.01 ppm (mg/L); 0.1% saturation
- DO Calibration: One or two points at 0% (HI 7040) and 100% (water saturated air)
- DO Temperature Compensation: 0.0 to 50.0 °C (32.0 to 122 °F)
- Salinity Compensation: 0 to 40 g/L, 1 g/L
- DO Altitude Compensation: -500 to 4000 m (with 100 m resolution)
- Temperature Range: -20.0 to 120.0 °C, -4.0 to 248.0 °F
- Temperature Resolution: 0.1 °C, 0.1 °F
- Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5 °C, ±1.0 °F
- pH Electrode: HI11310 glass body, refillable pH electrode with temperature sensor
- EC/TDS Probe: HI763100 EC/temperature probe?
- DO Probe: HI764080 DO/temperature probe?
- Power Supply: 5 VDC adapter (included)
- Environment: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), RH max 95% non-condensing
- Dimensions: 202 x 140 x 12.7mm (8” x 5.5” x 0.5”) Weight: 250 g (8.82 oz)
- Ordering Information: HI2020 pH kit includes: HI11310 glass body, refillable pH electrode with temperature sensor, pH 4 buffer solution sachets, pH 7 buffer solution sachets, pH 10 buffer solution sachets, electrode cleaning solution sachets,USB cable, benchtop docking station with electrode holder, wall mount cradle, 5 VDC power adapter, instruction manual, and quality certificate.
Special Notes ‡absolute conductivity *temperature limits will be reduced to actual probe/sensor limits ** with temperature compensation function disabled ?Available for purchase separately - Warranty: 2 years
Product Features
- Digital Electrodes
- Sensor Check
- 3.5 mm Probe Input
- Wall Mount
- Cradle and Electrode Holder
- Two USB Ports
- Data Logging
- Two Operating Modes
HANNA Multiparameter incorporates start-of-the-art features to guarantee fantastic precision and usability.
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I love these water treament test tools for my factory.