Disinfection Products

Water Disinfection Products

Water disinfection products are very important chemical substances that are used to treat water that possesses elevated levels of dangerous pathogens through the injection of ozonation, chlorine, chloramines, etc. What results from the incorporation of these disinfection products is a much safer and potable water supply. 

Disinfection of drinking water is imperative to the protection of the public from epidemics of waterborne and parasitic diseases. Check out the three leading water disinfection product manufacturing brands in the world down below. 



  • Commerical UV Sterlizers
  • Industrial UV Sterlizers
  • Professional UV Systems


  • OptiVenn Series
  • ChloRid Series
  • SCD H eries
  • TrojanUVLogic Series
  • Swift Beverage Series
  • MPR Series
  • SL Series
  • LS HX & UVK Series

Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of Water Disinfection Systems. The Pure Aqua water disinfection systems can help protect your business against pollution when it comes to the separation, deactivation or eradication of pathogenic micro-organisms.


VIQUA Sterilight UV 

Aquafine UV

Water disinfection products such as Viqua Sterilight and Aquafine are offered in many different models and flow rates to accommodate our customers special and unique applications. With applications ranging from residential, light commercial and large industrial Pure Aqua has it all covered. Each water application is different and unique meaning requirements to help in treating these different types of water applications can get intimidating, but here at Pure Aqua our sales and customer service team, combined with our engineering team can tackle these application issues giving comfort to our customers. Please select a brand or contact one of the Pure Aqua team members for more information and to help you choose the best product for the application.


Applications range from treating swimming pool water to food processing water and bottling applications.

Ozonation is a water treatment method that is tasked with killing bacteria and other microorganisms through an ozone infusion. Ozonation claims many advantages such as enhancing the quality of water, effectively kills viruses and bacteria, decreases the formation of chlorinated disinfection byproducts, enhances taste and odor control in water supply.

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